Happy day after Mother’s Day! Before the weekend, I was afraid Saturday and Sunday were going to be full of indulging on copious amounts of food. Weekends always are a little intimidating to me as to what I’m going to eat and whether or not I’ll be able to keep up the healthy eating. Not only am I not in a routine, but, as a 23-year-old, I still like going out Friday and Saturday nights. So, it’s pretty easy for one beer to turn into 10, followed by a late-night calorie fest.
However, I think I managed to steer clear of most of the ridiculously, calorie-filled treats, except for a bottle of wine on Saturday night and a few pastries for Mother’s Day brunch, but it I balanced it out with fruit, vegetables, soy milk, and bran flakes. All-in-all, successful weekend.
Matt and I went up north to visit his family for Mother’s day. It was great to hang out with his mom, dad, sister, and her boyfriend. We played Taboo and Pit, made Mother’s day brunch, and everyone got to met Jax, minus his crusty eyes cause they’ve all cleared up. My puppy’s eyes are as good as new.
Remember a few posts ago how I said humane society websites are a dangerous thing? Well, while browsing this morning (I should just block the site from my computer. I won’t go get another dog, but I look and it makes my heart hurt. It’s self-inflicting pain. When will I learn my lesson?), I found Jax’s soul mate. Take a look, they totally look like they belong together, cut from the same cloth. They would make such a cute couple. (Cute kids are out of the question, considering they’ve both been spayed/neutered. Too bad.)
How can anyone resist those ears? So adorable.
Look at that ... So perfect for eachother. Go adopt her! Do it! And, when you do, shoot me an email and we'll set her and Jax up.
Anyway, had an official weigh-in yesterday. And, the number is, drum-roll please …
I lost 1.8 pounds, right where I would like my weekly weight loss number to be. I have a feeling this blog has sparked my motivation, at least for this week. We’ll have to see if I keep it up for a little while longer.
On another note, I almost weigh what my driver’s license claims I weigh. According to my ID, I weigh 135. My weight has read 135 for years on my license. And, since I just lost 30 pounds, it has probably been even longer since I actually weighed 135 pounds. Crazy, huh?
Just shows how weight gain can spiral out of control without any realization of it. Or, how easy it is to be in complete denial in order to let yourself finish that bowl of custard. Lesson learned: Buy a scale. Keep track. Let the guilt ensue.
Alright, off to the DMV. I need to get a new license. I can’t actually weigh what my license says I do. Pretty sure it’s against some girl code I read in some magazine.
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